About Me

Chapter 1 – Scotland

Hailing from the gritty yet vibrant city of Glasgow, Scotland, my humble beginnings set the stage for my journey. Fond memories of my childhood revolve around football – both playing and watching it, as well as my first venture into collecting Panini Football cards, a tradition my grandfather would fuel every Friday after work.

My first encounter with technology was through my ZX Spectrum computer, which sparked a lifelong interest in the digital world. As a teenager, I ventured out of the city, discovering the Scottish countryside. It was a stark contrast from my urban life, but it kindled an appreciation for nature’s beauty.

Growing up, I found my interests divided between Science and Art. Being adept with numbers, I was drawn towards science and became the first in my family to attend university. At the University of Glasgow, I pursued a Physics Degree, which later led to a PhD in “Lorentz TEM Imaging of Magnetic Microstructures”. This experience blurred the line between science and art, as I created digital and analogue animations on the nanoscale, uniting these two seemingly disparate fields.

Chapter 2 – Ireland

My journey led me to Ireland, intending a brief stay, yet it extended into a decade of personal and professional growth. In Northern Ireland, I evolved from an engineer to a director while nurturing a growing family.

My work with nanoscale atomic sculptures echoed the meticulous creativity of art, further solidifying my perspective that scientific research shares an artistic essence. Drawing parallels between crafting physical models in my professional domain and creating art pieces in my personal sphere made this period of my life a harmonious blend of my interests.

Chapter 3 – Minneapolis

Relocating to Minneapolis as a Technology VP unlocked new avenues in my life. Regular travels to diverse locations like Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Seoul added a global dimension to my private photography collection and influenced my artistic perspective.

Leading a team towards launching over 40 products while taming complex physics was a testament to my strategic planning and resource balancing abilities. Our consistent efforts culminated in a breakthrough that will power the next decade of products.

The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic brought significant changes. As the world turned digital, I delved into the world of NFTs and Digital Art. What started as an investment in Cryptopunk #8845 and ArtBlocks Generative Art evolved into a fascination with the web3 space. Fast forward two years, and I’ve amassed a collection of over 1000 digital art pieces spanning various styles and themes.

I spent 18 months building galleries and 3D voxel models. As far as dedicated digital art, my first Punk & Frens piece minted Nov22. My own art style is a fluid expression of my experiences, often combining different pieces to create collages and animations. Through my work, I aim to evoke emotions, provoke thought, and tell a story.

Chapter 4 – What Next

Looking ahead, I foresee fulfilling my professional commitment of launching our innovative products. This endeavor is not merely about financial gains; it’s a testament to personal achievement and a dedication to my craft.

On the artistic front, I aspire to expand my collection, anticipate and invest in emerging trends, and envision my pieces gaining recognition in established galleries and museums. While considering virtual platforms like Otherdeeds and OM for my collection, I am also keen to explore the possibilities that AR offers for art displays.

Forging stronger connections within the local web3 and art communities, participating in events, refining my artistic skills, and using my website as a platform to share my journey also feature in my future plans. The road ahead is paved with endless creative opportunities.

Key Events

  • Jan 3rd 2009 – Bitcoin Genesis Block
  • Jul 30th 2015 – Ethereum Genesis Block
  • June 9th 2017 – Cryptopunks launched
  • Nov 27th 2017 – Bought My First BTC and ETH
  • Mar 2020 – Covid Crash
  • Aug 2020 – Defi Summer
  • Jan 16th 2021 – Collect Cryptopunk #8845
  • Feb 2021 – Collected The Eternal Pump
  • Jan-Mar 2021 – Build Art Blocks Collection
  • Mar 2021 – Milan Cryptovoxels Parcels
  • May 2021 – Buy BAYC
  • May 2021 – Attend NYC Punk / Christie’s Zombie
  • May 2021 – Vox Walk
  • June 2021 – Attend Bitcoin Miami
  • Nov? 2021 – Mutants Mint
  • Nov 2021 – Attend NYC NFT
  • Dec 2021 – Attend Art Basel
  • May 2022 – Otherdeeds Mint
  • Jun 2022 – Attend NYC (NFT), Apefest Snoop & M&M
  • Nov 2022 – Mint first Punk & Frens
  • Nov 2022 – Elon Buys Twitter
  • Dec 2022 – Attend Art Basil, met Swati & Harini. Ate scones.
  • Jan 2023 – Helped to curate Obscura’s Uncanny Valley
  • Jan 2023 – Launch AI Adventures
  • Jan 2023 – Collected a range of AI artworks on ETH
  • Apr 2023 – Attend NYC NFT. Black Box Art Event.
  • May 2023 – Started to make this website
  • May 2023 – World Collage Day 2023, collected on Tez
  • June 2023 – Attended first local web3 meetup
  • June 2023 – Launched Constructs of Consciousness
  • Nov 2023 – Collab Piece with Vnderworld / Hax
  • Dec 2023 – Art Basel, got sick
  • April 2024 – NYC NFT